Smart MD Practices, LLC - The CARES© Fertility Program
Offers medical practice consulting for OB/GYN and REI (Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility) Practices. Performing financial, business and strategic management services. Offering electronic/IT solutions for marketing & advertising, new patient referral tracking, and Human Resource Management. We offer partnership opportunities, for Infertility Clinics, with a leading fertility treatment financing program: The CARES© Fertility Program. The CARES© Fertility Program is helping clinics create more families, by helping patients afford treatment. CARES© affords IVF clinics the ability to manage the program in-house, while determining the eligibility for participation of their own patients- without any third party oversight. Program offers both ART (IVF & Donor IVF) and Non-ART (Clomid, IUI’s) treatment options, to ensure patients’ ability to receive the treatment that best fits their needsRead MoreLess