Ultimate Body Spa
There is a great old saying by Satchel Paige. “Aging is a question of mind over matter. If you don’t mind then it doesn’t matter”.Since mankind has been looking for the fountain of youth for years, it must matter! Ultimate Body Spa was developed with one concept in mind and that is to slow down the aging process. As we get older, many of the body’s systems stop working as effectively as they did when we were young. Science found a way to use 21st-century technology to reawaken our natural ability to heal the body. By gently stimulating the body’s own bioelectrical signature, we can produce seemingly endless aesthetic benefits. Muscle toning, weight loss, wrinkle reduction, and facial definition are some of the many benefits that can be derived. This is all done without the necessity of costly surgeries or expensive injections. All of our protocols are non-invasive, painless and effortless. Come spend the perfect day with us and experienceThe Miracle of Modern Technology. The total body rejuvenation program starts with a fabulous facial. Your facial muscles will be gently stimulated with a mild electrical current similar to the one your body already generates. Your jaw line will firm, cheekbones will become more defined, and your wrinkles will begin to fade. You will start producing more collagen and elastins.Your blood flow will increase dramatically allowing for greater nourishment of the cells. This is the nonsurgical answer to regaining that youthful look. Then climbed into our LED light bed and take a 20 minute nap while you’re resting. The soothing light will improve your wrinkles and revitalize your skin from head to toe. You will feel invigorated from head to toe. Then let us help you reduce your waistline, buttocks and thighs on our state-of-the-art body contouring system. You will leave looking and feeling years younger! All of this done without injections or scalpels. If you’re not ready for a surgical procedure due to time, finances, or medical limitations, our microcurrent product line offers a nonsurgical approach to return and improve your youthful appearance. The experience will be wonderfully relaxing and euphoric. You will see noticeable results immediately. “>Read MoreLess